The Science of WYLD
Backed by both ancient wisdom and modern science, the WYLD experiences you will go through are designed to be highly effective and impactful. Learn more about the science behind the techniques we use at the links below.
If you sit for a significant portion of your day - you are probably breathing wrong. And if you are breathing wrong, you are significantly reducing the amount of energy and focus you have available. This is one of the problems you will address with WYLD.
Wim Hof Method (WHM) breathwork, one of the inspirations for WYLD breathwork, has been shown to increase the ability to regulate the sympathetic nervous system - you can better control stress when you practice this technique. [the “Brain Over Body” study]
Oh and did we mention reducing perceived stress in your life?
This comprehensive review of qigong, the primary physical practice used in the WYLD method, reveals a slew of health benefits. They include bone density (n=4), cardiopulmonary effects (n=19), physical function (n=16), falls and related risk factors (n=23), Quality of Life (n=17), self-efficacy (n=8), patient reported outcomes (n=13), psychological symptoms (n=27), and immune function (n=6).
This study shows naturist activites can improve body-image, self-esteem, and life satisfaction.
Other benefits of nudity may include better sleep, healthier skin, and more.